Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shift Ed Calls for K-12 Transformation

Here are some key points set forth by David Houle (@evolutionshift) and Jeff Cobb in Shift Ed: A Call to Action for Transforming K-12 Education.  Each key point is set forth in fewer than 144 characters.  I wrote them in this format so that I could share some of them via Twitter in an online discussion of ShiftEd in the days leading up to Virginia ASCD Annual Conference, which starts today.   At the invitation of Ann Etchison (@ann1622) and @VASCD, I will be providing welcoming remarks at today’s conference, prior to David Houle’s General Session keynote address. 

Here is a link to the Shift Ed web site:
Shift to #teaching 21st century skills unlikely in current K-12 ed system says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
K-12 ed system more of a containment area than place to prep kids 4 21st century says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
widespread disagreement re: K-12 but we need unified vision says @evolutionshift how achieved? #vascd11 #shfited
Stop tinkering w/ ed system & curriculum-instead look at what it needs 2 become says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
How has ed responded to new tech world? It hasn’t says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
We compartmentalize tech driven change so traditional teaching is untouched says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
In 2 many schools #edtech is little more than an add-on says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
Next 20 years are the Shift Age when we master opportunities of global connectiveness says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
Schools must move beyond being purveyors of info says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
@evolutionshift Is connectedness a force separate from “flow to global” or just its cause? #vascd11 #shifted
Connectivity-global culture-power 2 individuals are key 2 Shift Age says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted #edchat
Choice-customization-flexibility explode in shift age says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
Constructivism cited in #shifted is not new-but in time of emphasis on individual is the world finally ready 4 cnstrctvsm? @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
Should we confine kids w/i 4 walls for set time to be fed set content? asks @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
Most of current #edreform is reactionary
Need to shift 2 thinking about #learning experiences not ed systems says supt woodward in #shifted @evolutionshift #vascd11
We need to be creators of #learning experiences says supt woodward in #shifted @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
There should b few boundaries of time space place 4 #learning says supt woodward in #shifted @evolutionshift #vascd11
Students will gradually assume responsibility 4 #learning says supt woodward in #shifted @evolutionshift #vascd11
How much freedom should students have 2 decide when where how 2 connect 4 #learning asks @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
What are skills needed 4 #learning in social networks asks @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
we need to customize means of #learning-should we also customize outcomes @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
Are schools only or even mostly physical places? Asks @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
What do you think of the common core? @evolutionshift
Schools must become better at shape shifting to meet new demands says @evolutionshift #vascd11 #shifted
#shifted web site has additional resources

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